What is the Third Eye

What is an third eye?

The third eye is a small pinecone-shaped muscle called the pineal gland, located at the bridge of your nose between the eyes and the nose. It’s widely believed that the third eye works together with the pituitary gland, which is responsible for producing and regulating the melatonin hormone production in the body.


Mystics, however, believe that the pineal gland helps your mind and body sync together and open a spiritual portal that sees beyond the physical realm. 


If you find out that you cannot concentrate properly or find it hard to accept surface transparency or process complex ideas, it means your third-eye is closed. When the third-eye gets stimulated, your sixth sense enhances and expands your consciousness. This expansion helps you to see things in concepts and reality that you did not see before.


The third-eye is displayed everywhere in our modern society as a means for people in-the-know to communicate with each other.


The most widespread third-eye symbols are the center of the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill and the CBS news logo.

How to Open Your Third Eye

Many people notice the third eye activating when studying complex ideas or learning new information in general. Suddenly, the mind becomes “woke” and figuring out the answer to a difficult puzzle becomes easier. 


The pressure you feel between your eyes as the mental gears start turning inside your brain is an indication that your pineal gland is at work. Extreme mental stress can actually produce a tumor in that area that can affect hormones and eyesight, which is an even deeper meaning to some.


Below are some ways to help open the third eye successfully: 

1. Practice Spiritual & Mindfulness Meditation Daily 

Silencing the mind is the key to awakening your third eye. The world is constantly on the move, filling our lives with unnecessary distractions, and personal quarrels that could have been avoided or resolved long ago. Seemingly, these insignificant menials dominate our lives.


To remove these distractions and blossom the spirituality within, go to an isolated place. An island, park, anywhere away from a lot of people and a lot of noise. If you cannot do it physically, do it mentally where you are. Even if you are locked up in a prison you can meditate to “get away” and open your third eye.


Meditation will help you focus and there are different forms producing various results. Some work better than others.

Repeat the “I Am” Affirmation

Repeating the “I Am” affirmative statement is a popular meditation technique. By stating “I am” you are asserting to your spirit that whatever you say next will become part of your being. You are essentially speaking into existence whatever it is you are pursuing at this point.

The “Om” Chant

You’ve probably heard people chanting the “ooommmmmm” sound during meditation sessions from around the world. It pushes third eye activation as the sound vibrates to the tune of the earth. Repeating affirmations while doing this works the best. 


Chanting generally summons on spirits, harnesses the power of the ancestors, reaches deep inside evolution, and leads to creating outside solutions to any problem that lies in front of you.


Sounds vibrate the innermost part of yourself connecting to people and energy; this is one reason music is so influential across cultures. Guitar strums near the body can heal cancer.  


Dr. Masaru Emoto has proven that thoughts and sounds influence water vibration in the body. Positive thoughts created beautiful crystals, but negative thoughts produced unrecognizable crystals. Since water makes up 90% of our body, it can vibrate every cell and help the physical reach a spiritual level, according to professional psychics.

2. Practice Yoga Regularly

Yoga exercises require careful precision while executing difficult moves. If you cannot master your physical self in these extremes, then you cannot master your mental self in a spiritual extreme.

Yoga Method 1

Sit upright in a chair or Indian-style on the floor with your legs crossed. Indigenous cultures meditate in this form for a reason. 


Take deep, focused breaths, which bring more oxygen to the brain. 


Use scents like lavender, light sage, sandalwood, frankincense, white sage, and pine to enhance the experience.


The latter is used to summon ghosts.


These are just a few ways to start.

Yoga Method 2

You can perform Mindfulness exercises to help you become super-aware of your surroundings.


The method requires you to stay uber-present in the moment and zero in on every small detail. 

3. Use Crystals Such as Amethyst to Open the Third Eye Chakra

Use Amethyst crystals, particularly indigo blue as it is the color of the brow chakra. These crystals can help enhance and catch bad spirits that enter your energy field. They are also good if you live in areas like New York where toxins are everywhere; air, noise, rude people, etc. An energy healing bracelet can suffice if you do not have any crystals.

4. Watch the Foods You Eat

Watching what you eat is paramount to opening your third eye. Eating foods laced in trans fats, or vegetables and fruits sprayed with herbicides or pesticides can alter natural brain chemicals.


Some other harmful chemicals like flouride, hormone replacements, radiation, sweeteners, and nasty toxins can calcify the pineal gland.


Eat raw food to make your body feel more alive. Preferably, go organic. Stay away from processed foods.


Ultimately, connecting with your third eye means getting in tune with nature. To become one with nature, you have to consume nature in its rawest form. Not raw to the point of catching a turtle in a swamp, killing it and eating, no, you can ingest parasites doing that.

5. Dream Interpretations and Opening the Third Eye

Your dreams give you insight into deeper things within yourself. Many people don’t believe that dreams have meaning. Some say it is our memory jumbled up with our daily lives reflected by the mind. In some cases, if you experienced deja vu, then you know that some dreams are messages from the future via your third eye.


Remember, using a combination of these things will surely help open your third eye.

Signs That Your Third Eye Is Opening

There are several signs that show your third eye may be opening. If you are unsure, speak to a professional on r/psychics with psychic abilities in more detail.

A Deep Pressure Between the Eyes

If there is a slight pressure between the area located where the pineal gland is, it shows that whatever you are doing is surely stimulating your third eye. You’re probably doing something that you have never done before. Something difficult that you are beginning to learn. It’s waking up the sleeping brain.

Vivid Dreams & Astral Projections

When you actually open your third eye, your dreams while asleep become vivid and all too real. In some cases, you can lift your spirit out of the body and look down at yourself. Better return quickly before death occurs. You will gain a capability for astral projections where your soul can levitate and actually leave your body. 


People who practice this report watching themselves sleep. Remember, the pineal gland activates during sleeping which aids in melatonin secretion. When you are really in tune with this higher self, premonitions might happen where you dream of an event that ends up happening.

People Can Visibly Feel Your Forcefield

When I was beginning my spiritual journey, I exuded a larger kundalini energy than before, especially when I would study with my spiritual group daily.


One day after a study, I was clearly electrified with energy. While waiting for a public bus headed home, a lady proceeded to walk past me. When she got directly in front of me, within my energy field, she fell on the ground. All her groceries scattered on the sidewalk as people helped her up. 


Did I have something to do with that or was it just an honest mistake on her part.


People pick up on energy fields and when yours span out to the world – you will see people often reacting to it. In some cases, you can walk anywhere and people will feel your energy. When your third eye is highly developed, you can see energy (auras) around people.

The Brain Multitasks Effortlessly

You will notice your brain having the capability to process multiple things at once. For example, you could listen to two songs at the same time and understand everything in both. You can write a paper about one subject while listening to a podcast about a completely different subject and process both effortlessly.


People operating on lower spiritual levels cannot do this. They need to focus on one task at a time. 


If you find yourself playing speed Chess better, it is a clear sign that your third eye is opening. You can see possibilities, probabilities, and even go as far as to predict the future or the next move of an opponent swiftly.

Your Guesses Are Coming True

When I started my spiritual journey I noticed that when I played the lottery, my numbers would come up in the drawing more often. This is a sign. These correct guesses will also apply to real life. If you can correctly estimate future events, you can control your destiny instead of allowing fate to take control. Your foresight gets stronger and stronger as the third Ajna chakra opens.

Having an Innate Fearlessness

You can walk down a dark alley at night and feel no fear. But if you catch yourself putting yourself into dangerous situations you would have not otherwise gotten into, your third eye is all the way opened. In this case, it’s best to channel that bold, fearless energy towards safer pursuits like a career.

What to Do if You Have Difficulty Opening your Third Eye

If you find it hard to open your third eye and see the world in a limitless format, then you can get a psychic to help open it for you. Additionally, they can identify spiritual anomalies that may be preventing you from awakening your third eye and release the beast within you.


Psychics on Kasamba, AskNow, and Keen are well aware of the chakra system that serves as a spiritual conduit connecting emotional, physical energies and will generate power for predictions. Each of these websites offer free minutes to use by phone, chat, or, in the case of Oranum, webcamming to get answers.


Some people might find it difficult to open their third eye, but with practice this can be achieved. Remember, the following practices will help you open your third eye, but these are not final solutions. There is an entire science regarding the mystic energy of the pineal gland.